So what color is your ATM?

We all know the old joke where one person asks the other, “What kind of car do you have?” and the response is, “A blue one.” We’ll leave the  descriptions of the joker and jokee to your own imagination. While we all laugh, how far is that from how some ATM owners, whether a bank or a creditContinue reading “So what color is your ATM?”

EMV: Lessons North of the Border

EMV. It’s gotten to the point where these three little letters are becoming as nerve grating to card issuers and ATM deployers as ADA and EPP. But the waves they are a coming, and as ‘Joe’ used to say when we were kids, “the more you know the better.” On June 25th ATM Marketplace willContinue reading “EMV: Lessons North of the Border”

The adventure begins

After 12 years of diving headfirst into ATMs and PIN debit processing, I’ve decided it’s time for me to take my passion to the next level. Every week I receive emails and calls from colleagues in our industry wanting to talk about their ATM, PIN debit, and other automated branch delivery channel initiatives and projects.Continue reading “The adventure begins”