Article on Windows 7 for ATMs

 “It’s like any other Windows-based PC,” said John Campbell, manager of the automated delivery systems department at Virginia Credit Union, in an interview. “I tell the new hires here at work ‘remember, your ATM is just this’ — and I point to the PC on their desk. And just like a PC at work orContinue reading “Article on Windows 7 for ATMs”

ATMIA 2014…Reinventing the ATM

I’m excited for the way 2014 is already shaping up.  I just received confirmation that I was selected as a breakout session presenter at the 2014 ATMIA US Conference held in Orlando, Florida in February 2014. Per the current agenda, I’ll be presenting  breakout session #7, “ATM Best Practices for Future Enhancements” on Wednesday February 14th during the afternoon sessions.Continue reading “ATMIA 2014…Reinventing the ATM”

Windows 7, it’s not just for your office anymore

  Or as some colleagues have said to me in consultation conversations, “What do you mean I have ANOTHER ATM upgrade to do?”   In the wake of the crushing tsunami that was the ATM industry’s rush to become ADA Voice Guidance and access compliant in 2012, the next storm began to build, and it was notContinue reading “Windows 7, it’s not just for your office anymore”