Durbin…the myth of lower costs to consumers continues, and still we wait

Since the original smoldering of the 2008/2009 financial implosion gave fuel to the Dodd-Frank movement, the whispers of a grand attack on processing interchange were heard, and culminated in the infamous Durbin Amendment. A short sighted, reactionary, and fear mongering attack propelled by bad data, a sense of ‘financial unfairness’, angst towards the financial sector,Continue reading “Durbin…the myth of lower costs to consumers continues, and still we wait”

PCI 3.0 is Here….So That Means What?

Unless you are well versed in PCI requirements, trying to read the PDFs on the PCI site might be a bit daunting. Here’s a good article breaking down the additions and changes included in PCI 3.0 coming this November. Due to the impact of the changes 3.0 does not go immediately into affect on JanuaryContinue reading “PCI 3.0 is Here….So That Means What?”

What Will Be the Push for EMV in the US?

Short but interesting read on EMV adoption in the US: “The report cited the migration of ATMs to integrate with EMV cards and devices as the potentially linchpin to U.S. EMV migration.” “If ATMs are not made EMV compliant in sync with the POS devices, the life of the magnetic stripe technology will be prolongedContinue reading “What Will Be the Push for EMV in the US?”