ATMIA 2014…a blast of information!

This year was my first as both an attendee and a presenter at ATMIA 2014 in Orlando, and it was a great experience. First, what a beautiful location at the Lowes Royal Pacific Resort across the canal (literally) from Universal Studios Park!  Though I am glad some things were thrown in for ‘free’ for beingContinue reading “ATMIA 2014…a blast of information!”

Heads or Tales: The Windows 7 at ATMs Debate

I have had plenty of colleagues talking at TAG, ATMIA, and online about whether or not they “have to” or should migrate to W7 sooner than later.  The last 10+ years of replacements and upgrades have soured many pocket books.  The overall expense, besides your fleet size, really depends on what you had to do toContinue reading “Heads or Tales: The Windows 7 at ATMs Debate”