Payments Security is a Moving Target…Pun intended

“Visa’s participation in FIDO complements its work with MasterCard and American Express to replace account numbers with a digital token for online transactions. The payments industry is hyper-aware of security issues in the wake of the holiday-season Target breach and with the expectation that the ongoing shift to EMV-chip cards will move fraud to e-commerce.”

Nuff said. Can’t state anymore the importance of EVERYONE keeping the next evolution of payment security {notice I didn’t say CARD security} on their radar. As we will see here in the US…and seen across the EMV enabled globe….EMV is not enough. PCI is not enough. It’s got to be a combination of endpoint security, data tokenization, data encryption, and multi vector authentication. And whether your deploying ATMs, kiosks, POS terminals, or a vending machine…we all need to be playing from the same STANDARDIZED playbook to make it work efficiently and securely.

It’s coming.  Will you be the Lionfish the fraudsters steer clear of? Or the next Target?

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