Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta

[Originally published on LinkedIn November 4th, 2014] 1. ‘Will EMV at ATMs be ‘ready’ in the United States before the liability deadlines?’ Maybe. The domestic liability shifts (remember that the liability shift for inter-regional Maestro ATM transactions actually went into effect on April 19, 2014) for MasterCard are scheduled for October 2016. Visa’s liability shiftContinue reading “Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta”

I’m No Apple Chearleader…but MCX Can Take a Hike

[Originally published on LinkedIn on October 30th, 2014] As someone working in the FI industry, it’s definitely been a busy few years, and a hurricane two months. Within the span of 14 days the Home Depot breach erupted, I was in DC for the Mobile & ATM 2014 Summit, ApplePay was announced, I presented PCI-DSS/ATM/PTSContinue reading “I’m No Apple Chearleader…but MCX Can Take a Hike”