Duck, Cover, and Move Forward: The Card Brand Battle Rages On

Discover Offers Discount to Banks in Bid to Gain on Visa, MasterCard “The reduced pricing for Discover’s signature debit card network will apply to the more than 4,000 banks that are members of the American Bankers Association.” It’s funny….when VISA or MC has done this publicly with banks and merchants in the past, they wereContinue reading “Duck, Cover, and Move Forward: The Card Brand Battle Rages On”

The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?

Having ‘survived’ the conversion to Windows 7, not to mention upgrading to Diebold’s new Agilis 3.0 and a total processing conversion of PIN and ATM, for our ATM fleet and PIN debit processing, we are left looking out at the landscape to ask, “What’s next?” Speaking to many colleagues either on a one-2-one basis, orContinue reading “The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?”

The ATM Apocolypse? Or just surviving Windows 7?

Ten months ago, the hardcore buzz began within the ATM industry. It was September and I was with many colleagues at the 2013 TAG National Conference in New Orleans, ironically I was tasked with presenting an education session on the upcoming initiatives facing ATMs, specifically the expiring of support for Windows XP, looming migration toContinue reading “The ATM Apocolypse? Or just surviving Windows 7?”

Payments Security is a Moving Target…Pun intended

“Visa’s participation in FIDO complements its work with MasterCard and American Express to replace account numbers with a digital token for online transactions. The payments industry is hyper-aware of security issues in the wake of the holiday-season Target breach and with the expectation that the ongoing shift to EMV-chip cards will move fraud to e-commerce.”Continue reading “Payments Security is a Moving Target…Pun intended”

Wanting the fastest car in the race but never wanting to change the tires?

Interesting article, and one that should spark some changes in mindset in our industry.  For way too long in the ATM industry, whether they be a FI or an ISO, the digital stewards have treated ATMs with the ‘deploy and forget’ mentality.  You’d think with the onset of Windows, ADA, deposit automation, card user specificContinue reading “Wanting the fastest car in the race but never wanting to change the tires?”

EMV Adoption….quickly doing nothing is not a plan

While I don’t find this as shocking as some might ….anyone remember how long 3DES took and its hurdles to get compliance across the country? I do find it a bit short sighted. Yes, it’s costly. So is doing nothing. VISA & MasterCard have made strides since their unified AID statement in 2013 that hasContinue reading “EMV Adoption….quickly doing nothing is not a plan”

ATMIA 2014…a blast of information!

This year was my first as both an attendee and a presenter at ATMIA 2014 in Orlando, and it was a great experience. First, what a beautiful location at the Lowes Royal Pacific Resort across the canal (literally) from Universal Studios Park!  Though I am glad some things were thrown in for ‘free’ for beingContinue reading “ATMIA 2014…a blast of information!”

The adventure begins

After 12 years of diving headfirst into ATMs and PIN debit processing, I’ve decided it’s time for me to take my passion to the next level. Every week I receive emails and calls from colleagues in our industry wanting to talk about their ATM, PIN debit, and other automated branch delivery channel initiatives and projects.Continue reading “The adventure begins”