Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?

The old saying goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The band YES [I know….I just dated myself] famously sang, “Change changing places.” Another anonymous intellectual once said, “The only thing we can count on is change.” Flying home from a long two weeks of work travel and wondering to myselfContinue reading “Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?”

The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?

Having ‘survived’ the conversion to Windows 7, not to mention upgrading to Diebold’s new Agilis 3.0 and a total processing conversion of PIN and ATM, for our ATM fleet and PIN debit processing, we are left looking out at the landscape to ask, “What’s next?” Speaking to many colleagues either on a one-2-one basis, orContinue reading “The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?”

Durbin…the myth of lower costs to consumers continues, and still we wait

Since the original smoldering of the 2008/2009 financial implosion gave fuel to the Dodd-Frank movement, the whispers of a grand attack on processing interchange were heard, and culminated in the infamous Durbin Amendment. A short sighted, reactionary, and fear mongering attack propelled by bad data, a sense of ‘financial unfairness’, angst towards the financial sector,Continue reading “Durbin…the myth of lower costs to consumers continues, and still we wait”