Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta

[Originally published on LinkedIn November 4th, 2014] 1. ‘Will EMV at ATMs be ‘ready’ in the United States before the liability deadlines?’ Maybe. The domestic liability shifts (remember that the liability shift for inter-regional Maestro ATM transactions actually went into effect on April 19, 2014) for MasterCard are scheduled for October 2016. Visa’s liability shiftContinue reading “Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta”

I’m No Apple Chearleader…but MCX Can Take a Hike

[Originally published on LinkedIn on October 30th, 2014] As someone working in the FI industry, it’s definitely been a busy few years, and a hurricane two months. Within the span of 14 days the Home Depot breach erupted, I was in DC for the Mobile & ATM 2014 Summit, ApplePay was announced, I presented PCI-DSS/ATM/PTSContinue reading “I’m No Apple Chearleader…but MCX Can Take a Hike”

Digital Education: Learning to Fly or Jump, Before You’re at 30k Feet

It’s been less than six months since Walmart in our area flipped the switch for EMV credit cards, and so far I am unimpressed with how they’ve handled it: [WM Cashier] “That’ll be $xx ma’am/sir, go ahead and swipe your card.” [Customer does so] [WM Cashier sees the ‘alert’ on terminal screen and franticly grabsContinue reading “Digital Education: Learning to Fly or Jump, Before You’re at 30k Feet”

Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?

The old saying goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The band YES [I know….I just dated myself] famously sang, “Change changing places.” Another anonymous intellectual once said, “The only thing we can count on is change.” Flying home from a long two weeks of work travel and wondering to myselfContinue reading “Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?”