Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta

[Originally published on LinkedIn November 4th, 2014] 1. ‘Will EMV at ATMs be ‘ready’ in the United States before the liability deadlines?’ Maybe. The domestic liability shifts (remember that the liability shift for inter-regional Maestro ATM transactions actually went into effect on April 19, 2014) for MasterCard are scheduled for October 2016. Visa’s liability shiftContinue reading “Payments, ATMs, Cards: Five Things I Know I Don’t Know…Sorta”

The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?

Having ‘survived’ the conversion to Windows 7, not to mention upgrading to Diebold’s new Agilis 3.0 and a total processing conversion of PIN and ATM, for our ATM fleet and PIN debit processing, we are left looking out at the landscape to ask, “What’s next?” Speaking to many colleagues either on a one-2-one basis, orContinue reading “The Windows are Cleaned. Now What?”

EMV Adoption….quickly doing nothing is not a plan

While I don’t find this as shocking as some might ….anyone remember how long 3DES took and its hurdles to get compliance across the country? I do find it a bit short sighted. Yes, it’s costly. So is doing nothing. VISA & MasterCard have made strides since their unified AID statement in 2013 that hasContinue reading “EMV Adoption….quickly doing nothing is not a plan”