Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?

The old saying goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The band YES [I know….I just dated myself] famously sang, “Change changing places.” Another anonymous intellectual once said, “The only thing we can count on is change.” Flying home from a long two weeks of work travel and wondering to myselfContinue reading “Rapid Payments Changes, But To Where?”

Payments Future: Dealing With a Growing Threat

Bouncing from one conference to another the past week, first in DC and then in San Antonio…and I am still reading through my notes, and reminiscing about all the buzz around payments at the 2014 ATM&Mobile Summit, as well as the 2014 TAG National Conference with Diebold. If you get to go next year, IContinue reading “Payments Future: Dealing With a Growing Threat”

Are you ready for 2014?

Whether you decide to look at these guides for direction on EMV and Windows 7, use other industry documents available (several free online and from vendors), plan on working with your vendors, or working internally….you MUST have these on your radars to stay in tune, and in compliance, over the next 12-24 months.  You should alreadyContinue reading “Are you ready for 2014?”